Chapter 2 - Part 2


1. Watch all the media sources linked for this lesson.

2. Read 1st Peter chapter 2 in its entirety, highlight anything new that stands out to you today, and take notes

3. Focus on 1st Peter 2:10-12 by Re-reading it multiple times Take notes, and try to write down important points made by the writer as well as to whom the writing is addressed. Once you have completed the reading assignment and viewed all the media sources for this study, move on to the study guide linked below.

How should God's people live? How should those who are, in Christ, a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation (1 Peter 2:9) live from day to day on this side of eternity? Peter answers that question in this verse while revealing two crucial truths about what it means to live as a Christian.

Video Presented By

Look at the book - 1st Peter

Teacher: John Piper

Desiring God Ministries