Guess whats NOT in the Bible?

Most Christians look forward to hearing ‘well done good and faithful servant,’, but there will be some that enter the gates of heaven without hearing a word of it. In chapter 10, Daniel is called a “man greatly beloved”. How do we aspire to ‘earn’ such a title? Our goal as believers in many ways is to hear “well done”, indicating that we were faithful servants of His Glory while on earth. Though Daniel stands apart from most biblical characters we study, this week we are digging into why he is so significant, and why God would use him to write such heavy and impactful prophecy. I believe the character of a person is one of the most important attributes we can cultivate as believers. It’s every part of who we are, and who Christ has made us to be. If one claims to be a follower of Christ, but exhibits no Christ-like behavior, can we assume he is saved? As the adage goes, “Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character”. Character, then, is a result of the inner workings of our thought lives. As we meditate on scripture, it stands to reason that we should be transforming our character through the renewing of our minds. Daniel is truly a man of Christ-like character, he was a man of the word, reading and studying scripture, he was a man of prayer and a man of integrity.

Over our study of Daniel thus far, what are some attributes of Daniel’s Character?